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HIGH-LEVEL 1:1 MENTORSHIP l With Reina Pathan

As the Divine Feminine you are the portal of life into the Universe. Your innate Divine Feminine Energy welcomes love, intimacy, surrender, creation, wealth and abundance. 


The time is now to lead at tables of influence. To tap into your money medicine and let money move through you. To surrender to the masculine and let HIM witness you for the Goddess you are. To invite deeper intimacy, love and connection with your partner. To arouse the wild woman within & dance to the rhythm of Her soul!

Welcome to your six-month journey with Reina where you'll invite into your world MORE - purpose, vision, legacy, impact, wealth, love, intimacy and fulfilment.

Receiving WEALTH is in your Feminine DNA. Its time to normalise receiving financial abundance in your life and biz! To imprint the legacy of a wealthy woman. To receive from the Masculine. To Celebrate your Feminine Power. To BE the woman creating new generational imprints in this world. 

Are you ready to PLAY?

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Are You Ready
To Let Your Feminine Breathe...


Reina is truly inspirational. Her work as a Women's Rights Lawyer floors me! She's also a woman like you and me. She's been through what we are going through and knows what it feels like. What sets her apart is she has a program that worked worked for clients including me, and will work for you! It will take you from that job that you hate but feel stuck in, or that life that just doesn't feel like it's enough, or that place of hoping that 'there must be more, right?', to identifying and achieving (yes achieving!) your goals. She is there by your side, as your inspirational leader, your insightful teacher, your cheerleader, your supporter, the one who keeps you accountable and your friend every step of the way.

Working with Reina as a coach has taken me from a dark place, where I didn't know who I was and left lost and very unhappy - to quite literally freedom! I now have a successful business which I'm excited to get up for everyday. I'm helping women to feel free and get the jobs they truly deserve, just like I have and it gives me such pride and gratitude to do this work. It is truly an honour.And a vast amount of that is down to working with Reina and completing her programme.

In the 12 weeks of working with Reina, I literally had breakthrough after breakthrough during our journey together. Working on finding myself led me to find my voice, breakthrough my inner fears that were holding me back from the life I deserved. All that has led me to have the confidence to use my voice and confidence. Through this journey I quit the job that I hated and set the business I always wanted. And this just skims on the changes in my life that have come from working with Reina. 

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