Healing The
Mother Wound
Rewriting and Rewiring The Roots Of Your 'Mother Story'
A 5-Day Healing Experience I Free Workshop
July 15-19 2024 - Register Your Spot Now!
One of the most life-altering experiences you’ll ever have is healing the wound of not having the relationship you’ve always wanted and deeply craved with your mother.
As much as you have idealized the mother-daughter bond, you’ve also grieved the absence of that bond in your life.
And as you're invited to move deeper into your healing and feel the void of a mother’s emotional and spiritual presence, you seek deeper acceptance and love for yourself in a way you never have before.
Even though you've spent the last few years of your journey investing in your healing - you know there is an invitation to go deeper and heal the remnants of a deep mother wound...
Through healing the depths of this pain, you not only become the woman you always wanted…the one that made it your life’s mission to step into your own leadership and do the inner work to create new generational patterns.
You become the woman that chose to never project or carry the pain you felt forward onto your children.
You become the woman who brings your power and focus within to experience the healing you want and have a deeper, more meaningful and loving connection with yourself.
You become the woman who breaks the cycles and patterns that have consumed your family and lineage for generations and have dictated the patterns in your romantic relationships.
You become the woman who heals your feminine energy to experience deeper connection, trust, surrender and elevate your standards.
Whether your current journey is focused on yourself and your healing journey, healing your relationship with your mother, being in no-contact with your mother, establishing impactful communication, boundaries and standards or creating new foundations for current/future relationships in your life - this free workshop has something for you!
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